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Wie gehts ihnen

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Wenn ich der Nase nachlaufe, immer im Kreis Wenn ich das wüsste, wär ich bei Wer wird Millionär es geht nicht, es regnet je nach Wetter. Remember that the dative is an indirect object, so in almost every case, dir is for you or to you. This is a community for learners of German and discussions of the German language. In case of the original question, you should use Ihnen, because they are the parents of a friend - definitely no children and also no relatives of you.

Actually, it's not really a joke. There is no sense in trying to translate it literally. In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, hand-shaking is the most common form of bodily contact during greetings and introductions.

Wie geht es Ihnen? (response) - So I agree with Glockenblume, but I think that as a general guideline, the advice given by cuore romano is very good.

It is the same sentence both in the singular and in the plural. A plural of this is Wie geht es euch. But I'd go for the first variant to be on the safe side. Maybe you could ask your friend what she thinks is appropriate. I think, you want to say something like How do you do. Herzlich willkommen in Amerika is much better. The most common for me is if the other looks ill. Wie geht's - the short form, I can use when I meet a friend. But it has another meening in cultural sense. It means something like How are you. This sounds a little bit enthusiastic pathetisch, überschwenglich in German but I think, it is appropriate. Hi, it is not more formal in a certain sense, but more polite. When you meet a person the first time it depends on age. If the person is apparently older than 14 you should say Wie geht es Ihnen. This is the polite form to address one or more persons. There is an exception: If the person is either your brother, sister or another near relative, it is Wie geht es dir. Note: You cannot simply switch between the forms, that is why I said it is not just a question of formality. If you speak to a child, wie gehts ihnen if it is formal, you use Wie geht es dir. The answer would be Wie geht es Ihnen. If you are a relative Verwandter or a child, the answer would be Danke, gut. There are other formulas, too. In case of the original question, you should use Ihnen, because they are the parents of a friend - definitely no children and also no relatives of you. It might be that you will switch to du and ihr in a special ceremony Du anbieten. The older wie gehts ihnen and the woman can usually propose to use du. I suppose they are older than you, so you have to stay with Sie and Ihnen.

Wie geht es dir? Einfach Deutsch lernen mit Anna! #2
Is this expression in a similar scenario? If you are a relative Verwandter or a child, the answer would be Danke, gut! I think, you want to say something like How do you do? My first question is whether all of the above-mentioned equivalents are correct. This German expression actually means it goes. Der Vorstand ist jedoch ermächtigt, mit Zustimmung des Aufsichtsrats Spitzenbeträge, die sich aufgrund des Bezugsverhältnisses ergeben, von dem Bezugsrecht der Aktionäre auszunehmen und das Bezugsrecht auch insoweit auszuschließen, wie es erforderlich ist, damit Inhabern oder Gläubigern von bereits zuvor ausgegebenen Options- oder Wandlungsrechten bzw. In meinem Freundeskreis hört man oft diesen mittlerweile ritualisierten Begrüßungsdialog Wiener Dialekt : »Servus, wie geht's? Is it culturally acceptable saying something like Ich bin schlecht or Nicht schlecht?

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