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The of this article is. Relevant discussion may be found on the. Please do not remove this message until. August 2018 The Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act SESTA and Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act FOSTA are the U. Senate and House that as the FOSTA-SESTA package became law on April 11, 2018. They clarify the country's law to make it illegal to knowingly assist, facilitate, or support , and amend the of the which make online services immune from civil liability for the actions of their users to exclude enforcement of federal or state sex trafficking laws from its immunity. SESTA was criticized by pro- groups for weakening section 230 safe harbors, alleging that it would make providers become liable for any usage of their platforms that facilitates sex trafficking, knowingly if they moderate for such content, and with reckless disregard if they do not proactively take steps to prevent such usage. On February 27, 2018, the FOSTA-SESTA package was passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 388-25. On March 21, 2018, the FOSTA-SESTA package bill passed the Senate with a vote of 97-2, with only senators and voting against it. The bill was signed into law by on April 11, 2018. Section 230 has been considered a key piece of internet legislation, as operators of online services that handle are not liable for civil wrongs committed by their users, if the service was not directly involved in the offending content. These provisions do not apply to criminal or intellectual property law. The made it illegal to advertise sex trafficking, knowingly benefit financially from participation in a venture that advertises sex trafficking, and to engage in activities related to sex trafficking besides advertising, knowingly or in of the fact that sex trafficking is involved. In an op-ed, Portman cited numbers from the , which showed an 846% increase in reports of suspected child sex trafficking to the organization from 2010 to 2015. He attributed this largely to —an online classifieds service that had been accused of knowingly accepting ads which facilitated child sex trafficking, and filtered specific keywords in order to obfuscate it. The site had faced legal disputes, and a government investigation spearheaded by Portman. The FOSTA-SESTA package is also supported by other members of advocacy groups such as Executive Director Carol Smolenski, Operation Texas Shield founder John Clark, and Executive Director Timothy Head. Department of Justice Writing on behalf of the , Assistant-Attorney General addressed , , expressing concerns that provisions of the bill would make it even harder to prosecute sex traffickers. Additionally they expressed concerns that certain provisions would violate the Constitution's and thus be unconstitutional. Congress Opposition to the bill was voiced by members of Congress as well. Online sex workers argued that SESTA would harm their safety, as the platforms they utilize for offering and discussing sexual services as an alternative to had begun to reduce their services or shut down entirely due to the threat of liability under SESTA. Social media campaigns emerged to advocate against the bill for these reasons, such as LetUsSurvive and SurvivorsAgainstSESTA. The Senate voted down a proposed amendment by , which would have clarified the law to ensure that moderation does not contribute to liability. The EFF further argued that websites which knowingly facilitate sex trafficking were already liable per , which ruled that section 230 immunity does not apply if an online service was directly involved in the creation of content that violates civil law. Exposure of websites to liability under state trafficking laws was also considered a contradiction of 230, as it was designed to help protect service providers from varying state civil laws. In late March 2018 and early April 2018, following the bill's passage but prior to its implementation, courts in Massachusetts and Florida made rulings affirming that Backpage was liable for facilitating sex trafficking, because its practice of intentionally removing keywords pertaining to minors made it a provider of content subject to liability, as opposed to an interactive computer service. It has been suggested that SESTA could be used as a model for future exclusions from Section 230 immunity, such as especially with its support from , and content. Corporations Initially which represents , , , and other tech companies voiced opposition to the bill. However, after coming to a compromise on the wording of one section, they withdrew their opposition. According to Wagner, the bill was expected to be considered with an amendment from representative R-CA that included victim-centered provisions from SESTA. Like SESTA, the FOSTA-SESTA package would clarify that section 230 of the CDA does not prevent states and victims of sex trafficking from pursuing a course of action against interactive computer service providers, such as Backpage. The effectiveness of the bill has come into question as it has purportedly endangered and has been ineffective in catching and stopping. These reports are largely in line with what critics of the bill have stated would happen, indicating that the law has had an adverse effect on anti-sex trafficking efforts, the opposite of the law's intended purpose. In addition, similar consequences of the law's enactment have been reported internationally. On the 28th of June 2018, the EFF filed a lawsuit challenging the law, representing the Internet Archive, Human Rights Watch, the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, Eric Koszyk, and Alex Andrews, seeking to have the law declared unconstitutional and seeking to have an injunction against it being enforced. On September 24, 2018, Judge Richard J. Retrieved 19 May 2014. Washington, Olivia Solon Sabrina Siddiqui in 2017-09-07. American Civil Liberties Union. Sex Workers Outreach Project. Retrieved April 28, 2018.

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